The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, Peacock’s new original series, will feature people who are in dire need of decluttering. During the show, the three main cast members will take on the mission of helping others clean up after themselves in more than one way. They will meet up with eight individuals who will appear during the show to guide and help them declutter their homes, lives, and relationships before it's too late.
Offering an idea of what to expect from the upcoming series, Peacock states:
"Plucked from Sweden, an organizer, designer, and psychologist — also known as the "Death Cleaners" — come to America to help subjects reinvent themselves by facing their mortality, speaking honestly about death, and confronting all that “crap” that has been collecting dust for years."Tune in on Thursday, April 27, on Peacock to watch the season premiere of The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning.
The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, a show inspired by a book of the same name, written by Margareta Magnusson, will see eight people in different stages of their lives. The cast of the show, also known as the Death Cleaners, will help them clean up their messes as part of the Peacock show.
Check out the three leading cast members who will demonstrate the true meaning of decluttering:
Johan is a Stockholm-based Set Designer, Interior Designer, Art Director, and the founder of FABLAB. His website states that his strengths lie in turning a “strategic communications brief” into something inspiring, trend-relevant, and eye-catching. Briefly summarizing his talents, the website states:
"His ability to turn loose ideas into engaging visual narratives helps his clients become more relevant to hard-to-reach modern audiences. His art department is an extensive network of suppliers from set builders to stand by props to form an efficient and creative team."As part of the show, Johan will act as an interior designer who will transform people's homes and make their space beautiful.
Ella, a professional interior designer, is set to star in The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning. She is the founder of Engsroom and “the Room 3” method and is a certified interior designer, order coach, and trained visual merchandiser. She detailed her journey of being organized on her website, which states:
"You could say I've had this with me since childhood. We moved quite often as it was renovated in different houses and sometimes it was new construction. I got to join in as a little handyman, I remember that I thought it was fun to get to join in and fix things."During the show, the professional organizer will help individuals find a balance between what's important and what isn't and guide them as they try to let go of things. She will also help them organize their homes and find a space for their things and throw out what isn't important.
The upcoming The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning cast member is an internationally acclaimed TEDx speaker, psychologist, and author of several books about mental health. She is passionate about “dispelling myths and rumors” about what makes people happy and uses entertaining and interactive ways to incorporate science and research about human well-being.
Discussing her approach, the psychologist's website states:
"She facilitates a playful environment that enhances well-being on the spot using research-based exercises. After the talk, participants will have received concrete tools to create a positive change in their life."During the show, the psychologist will help people understand how the habit of hoarding is connected to their feelings. She will help them let go of unimportant things to better their lives and relationships.
Tune in on Thursday, April 27, on Peacock to watch the season premiere of The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning.
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